HC1: HyperQube SIG WP1

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Work Package 1


  • hyperqube_z launch
    • fair pillar sign up
    • node code
    • operational support
    • explorer
    • pillar pointing mechanism
  • initial branding
  • basic governance module deployed to hyperqube_z chain
    • spec
    • implementation
    • docs
    • testing
    • sdks
      • golang
      • dart
      • javascript
    • nomctl


Work Item Name Address Points ZNN QSR Comments
Momentums from Epoch 0 to X PILLARS PILLARS 5000 929 9288
Voting Participation from Epoch 0 to X PILLARS PILLARS 5000 929 9288
Hyperqube_z launch coordination George 7500 1393 13,932
Hyperqube_z awareness coordination Sugoi 2500 464 4644
Network Launch
Pillar Sign Up Mechanism Coinselor 1500 279 2786 Signature format, validation method, collection
Launch Code & Config George 6000 1115 11,146
  • Genesis File Creation
  • go-zenon codebase fork
Operational Support 0x3639


3000 557 5573
  • launch instructions & scripts
Pillar Momentum Pointing Vilkris 2000 372 3715 See candidates at #Point & AZ Calculation Tools

e.g. Scripts that determine

  • how many momentums each pillars produces
  • and converts it into points
Explorer DigitalSloth 3000 557 5573 See candidates at #Explorer

We have existing tools and sites that might be able to get his up quickly

NL Place (?) 4500 836 8359
Governance Embedded
Spec Sumoshi21 3000 557 5573
Implementation + Unit Tests 9500 1765 17,647
Adversarial Testing 2000 372 3715
Docs 1500 279 2786
Explorer Updates 2000 372 3715
Golang SDK Update 1500 279 2786
Dart SDK Update 1500 279 2786
Javascript SDK Update 1500 279 2786
Nomctl cli tooling 1500 279 2786
Bonus 6500 1207 12,074
Hyperqube Branding Stark 2000 372 3715 https://forum.hypercore.one/t/wp1-branding/503
Hyperqube Website 5000 929 9288 https://forum.hypercore.one/t/wp1-website/514
Hyperqube infographic ElRegel 2250 418 4180 https://forum.hypercore.one/t/wp1-infographics/515
Memes/Art Community contest 1000 186 1858 https://forum.hypercore.one/t/wp1-memes-and-fun/516
Totals 80750

Work Items


Point & AZ Calculation Tools

DigitalSloth has offered to help with this. Likely as part of a script and as part of an Explorer. See below.


DigitalSloth has offered to spin up a copy of https://zenonhub.io/ for HyperQube


Example: If the wider community agreed on a 10k ZNN payout, we split that based on the points

In this situation we have 5 pillars who have equal participation in terms of momentums produced and voting

Name Address Ratio ZNN QSR
George 50% 5000
PILLAR 1 10% 1000
PILLAR 2 10% 1000
PILLAR 3 10% 1000
PILLAR 4 10% 1000
PILLAR 5 10% 1000
Totals 100% 10000